Casting Director Software

For Casting & Talent agencies in Florida

Create your private talent & casting database for your agency. Signup new talent super-fast & create beautiful talent proposals to wow you clients.

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Used by 1000+ Casting Directors worldwide

Group 2 “ We are absolutely LOVING the Casting42 platform!! Our talent has already started submitting and it’s great. “ Melody - Producer @ Hardrive Productions
Leaders in show production we create unforgettable experiences for top theme parks, cruise lines, and venues worldwide.
Located in Keystone, Level Talent Group is a full-service SAG franchised talent agency representing models and actors of all ages for Film & TV, Commercial, and Print clients.
Group 2 “ We are absolutely LOVING the Casting42 platform!! Our talent has already started submitting and it’s great. “ Melody - Producer @ Hardrive Productions
Based in Orlando, Hardrive Productions are leaders in show production. They create unforgettable experiences for top theme parks, cruise lines, and venues worldwide.
Paradym Group is a full-service Orlando event staffing & talent agency offering premium promo models, hostesses, ambassadors, demonstrators & more!

Scalable Casting Calls
Handle 100s or even 1.000s of talent signups with less than 70% of the effort. Directly from your website or Instagram account.
Create stunning client proposals!
Include video’s, self audition tapes & talent profiles specifically tailored to your clients project. All in a single unified workflow.
Stay 100% in control of your data
Your talent profiles will be your talents available to you alone! Talents will never have to pay us for signups and will be privately stored just for you.
Free onboarding
Working in Casting? Changes need time and time is a luxury you do not have. Do a short call and our product experts will setup your account & tailor your database to your needs.
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