Next generation online casting platform

Automate your workflow and save time building up a quality talent database.
Sign up new talent with zero effort via your own website.
Include your client in your casting process with clear communication
through a unified platform.

Start setting up your own casting database
Casting database database

"Reduced workload, less stress and no need for extra staff.
Meanwhile, business has only gone up."

Joey Ploch, Casting Director - Joey casting
Read the full customer interview
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Data migration assistance

Are you currently using a database, spreadsheet or application you want to have replaced?
Contact us
 for a quote to help you with the import and migration of your data.

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Easy to use

Get down to business immediately with Casting42: as it it so easy to learn, you get things done from the very start.

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Zero effort to sign new talent

Sign up new talent with zero effort via your own website. Start building your own company’s walled private talent database which is connected to your company website, in one day!

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Start with a hundred talents and let your team and talent database comfortably grow. This way it is easy to scale up your portfolio.

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Fast media management

Manage your talent data and media files faster through a single platform with powerful features.

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Powerful search engine

Our search engine filters and finds the right talent in the blink of an eye, so you have time to really focus on casting the perfect person for the job.

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Keep your trusted data private

Your staff, clients and talents can safely connect to your casting software wherever they are. In accordance with our privacy policies, no data is shared with external parties.

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Casting42 offers a central platform which keeps all your casting processes, documents, contact details and all other required data organized.

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Log in and manage your accounts from any device! Receive smart notifications to ensure you will never miss an important update.

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Sending proposals is easy

Include your client in your casting process with clear communication through a unified platform.

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Industry experts

We recognize the need for software solutions to speed up the casting process, rather than slowing you down, while ensuring all required information receives the attention it deserves.

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No installation required

With Casting42 no installation is required and it works on every modern computer or laptop. Start building your own private talent database connected to your company website, in one single day!

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Monthly contract

You can choose from multiple plans designed to grow along with your casting company and its changing requirements. If necessary, it is easy to scale up and upgrade your plan.

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Super simple dashboard

We provide you with a unified dashboard to stay in control of your talent list. It also gives you notifications of talent updates and client feedback.

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Maintain IP

Your data kept safe thanks to our substantial security measures.

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Create a presentation per talent

Create Dazzling Presentations, With the ability to upload and search through thousands of applications, you can put together a great-looking casting selection.

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Website integration

Connect your website to your casting database, set up an online registration form and you are all set to show your talent.

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Multiple users

Invite your colleagues and work with multiple users at the same time!

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We use our Application Programming Interface to connect your casting database to your website and/or other existing systems.

Check our API docs
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Custom development

If you are in need for a custom app or a custom website, please contact us.

Contact us
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(AI) Artificial Intelligence

Casting42 uses state of the art Artificial Intelligence to drive queries based on similarity. Say you want to find similar talents based on appearance, our AI-search will find them automatically for you.

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Streaming Video

Casting42 uses a global network (CDN) to deliver the best video playback experience, making the playback of casting tapes very smooth.

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Built for speed

Built using scalable architecture, Casting42 is built to give users a fast user experience.

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Improve data quality

Integrating multiple tricks preventing your database from getting dirty with duplicates and wrong entries.

Your talent, your way

Built by one industry professional for another industry professional, you! Whether you are creating films, TVCs, documentaries or videos: Casting42 is designed to guide you smoothly through the casting process. We harnessed the power of automation so you can spend less time doing boring administration and spend more time finding your next super talent!

Why choose Casting42?

There are a lot of casting database that claim to make your life as a casting director, production manager or casting agent easier. What sets us apart?

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    Truly unified platform

    Keep clients, producers and talent informed with regular updates. Our easy-to-use database quickly finds the files and information you need and in addition shares this across devices and platforms.

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    Manage talent data

    Performers can easily upload their applications, reels, photos, contact information and availability forms. You decide when you have time to view their profiles and applications directly from your personal computer, tablet or mobile phone.

Get your account
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