Connect to Casting42

Casting42 is a proud zapier partner.
By connecting Casting42 with the Zapier platform you can now instantly connect casting42 with over 6000+ apps supported by Zapier.

For those who have the programming & technical skills Casting42 already has a open API allowing you to write custom integrations. Zapier allows you to connect apps together without writing a single line of code. In a set of video’s we demonstrate how to setup custom workflows.

Casting database database
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Build powerful workflows

If you use Casting42 changes are you uses more online tools to run your business. Zapier is a integration platform that alows to connect Casting42 to other apps you use. Thus improving your workflow by allowing to send talent & casting data to a wide selection of apps.

zapier integration

Get more done, faster

Use automation to streamline everyday tasks and complex

zapier integration

Level up your apps

Automate the apps you use daily. With over 6.000 app integrations, Zapier's got you covered.

zapier integration

User-friendly platform

With an intuitive editor, you can build tailored workflows in just minutes.

zapier integration

Automate data entry

Use Zapier to automatically send or update data in your CRM, email marketing platform, reporting tools, and more.

Easy to use Casting Database
Casting database example

Checkout if Zapier
supports your app

Zapier currently supports 5000 applications ranging from a wide selection of apps, from email marketing, sales & CRM to AI & financial applications.

Use the button below to see if you application is currently supported by Zapier. If Zapier does not currently have a connection to your application, send us a mail to explore the options for a custom integration.


Looking to integrate you casting workflow?
You can either perform the integration yourself using the Zapier editor, which does require some technical know-how.

Or you can contact us to do the integration for you. By purchasing a package of hours you can ask us to:
• Setup a Zapier flow
• Have a look at a Zapier flow
• Update a Zapier flow

Zapier pricing depends on numerous factors among others the number of
• “Zaps” which are workflows.
• “Tasks” is an action your Zap successfully completes

8 Hours

€ 960
One time fee
  • 8 Hours
  • 1 Year tenable
Suitable for a setting up a simple flow

16 Hours

€ 1.920
One time fee
  • 16 Hours
  • 1 Year tenable
Suitable for a more advanced flow

32 Hours

€ 3.840
One time fee
  • 32 Hours
  • 1 Year tenable
Suitable to connect multiple apps or more complex flows